Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Drum and Fire Festival

Location: Coffee Bay, Transkei
Time: ‎4:00PM Friday, July 29th
find the event on Facebook 
I am going, I don't know how but I am not going to miss this event!

Cloudy Vision

Yesterday I had an appointment in town. I wear contact lenses and half way through driving I noticed that my vision was very blurry. I could hardly see. I thought to myself, "did I suddenly go blind?" Then I came to the conclusion that my contacts lenses must be in incorrectly. I had a three hour appointment and went through the entire appointment with very little eye sight. I managed to drive home safely and as soon as I got home I took the contact lenses off and put my glasses on. I could see! I was not going blind BUT silly me realised that I had put my husband's contact lenses on instead of mine. A real brunette's blonde moment!

I suddenly had a little thought to myself which made a lot of sense. When you have someone else's vision for your life, your vision will be cloudy. If you see life through the lens of someone else, you will be miserable and unable to see your life clearly. When you see life through your own lens, your own vision, every step you take is one step greater to being on the road you should be on. The opinions of people can withdraw you from being you. The ideas and visions for your life should really be your own and you should not care what anyone thinks. Some of the greatest results driven people are the ones who see life through their own eyes, their own heart and their own mind!

I have many ideas that people will disagree with. My own family won't agree with my dreams. You might be thought of as crazy but is that so bad? I would rather live the life that is mine than live up to the expectations of mankind. What a sad life it is to have cloudy vision and to live up to the expectations of people, family and friends. Let me tell you, it is difficult to see with someone else's contact lens. My eyes were sore afterwards and I had a little head ache. The thing is, to live with someone else's plan for your life will have far worse side effects. Sadness, depression and lack of purpose will be the general feeling to walk in the shoes of someone else. 

I hope that this article has made some sense. When you have clear vision, you can see where you are going. The pieces to the puzzle come together because you can see clearly. Don't allow people to cloud your vision, your hopes or your dreams!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Deeper Meaning

I went drumming yesterday and half way through the drumming for the very first time, I walked out quite upset. I wasn't upset because of the drumming, I was upset about this blog. I haven't fully focused on Djembe and how it is to me personally. I don't represent Ala, I try to market him freely because I believe in is teaching capabilities and I believe in Djembe. The thing is, I haven't let you know what Djembe has done for me. I don't like spiritual things but a lot of these things have been happening to me, I believe it is because I have become more aware of my surroundings thanks to being in Alpha State.

Time to really dig deep don't you think!

I'm not all knowledgeable, I don't know anyone in the group so when I speak now, I don't really speak on behalf of anyone except myself. Maybe they will agree with me, maybe they won't but this is Me, not them. This blog is my blog and it's about me and djembe. It's a personal thing for me! I have to stress that I am not Ala's manager or his sales person, just in case any of you think that. I want you to experience his drum circle because it's benefited me and my life so much! So let's begin...

Djembe master in my point of view is getting back into your natural flow of rhythm. Today we have cell phones and those invisible waves that screw up our natural rhythm. Today we have microwaves, that also screws up our natural rhythm. Technology has made us stressed, wired, tired and emotional. We need to get back to our roots and who we are as people because all in all, I know I have lost myself in work, priorities and chores. I know I need to reestablish who I am as a person and allow myself the freedom to be me. I need the freedom to relax and love people. What Djembe does is it brings you back to your rhythm and makes you more aware of what is around you. You become a master of your own life. The spirit allows you to heal. Each beat is a beat from the heart and in that is a healing unexplainable!

I am deaf in my right ear. I never accepted myself as a person. I never truly embraced who I was until recently. I never embraced my full name which is Davida. For years I have called myself Dee but now I know the importance of the name I have been given and I am aware of my place in this world. I don't know if all the credit goes to djembe but I have never seen so much improvement in myself as a person. I still have lot to learn but there is definitely something about djembe that has helped me. 

First of all I realize that I run away easily from problems, issues, hurts, pain, anger but these days I embrace every single issue in my life and I know there is nothing that is random. Since djembe, I have been called many weird things, some have said I'm psychic (no I'm not, I follow my gut, my inner voice always). I have also had many weird encounters where a stranger came up to me and asked, "what is wealth?" and i replied, "you are already wealthy" and he walked off smiling leaving me really puzzled. Yet a week later, I experienced major burn out because I am in the corporate world and I was working so hard for money when all the wealth was right in front of me! Money is not wealth! It's something I have to continually remember. So for me, Djembe has become somewhat of a spiritual journey, a journey of self discovery, learning where I am weak, embracing who I am, as I am and learning to love unconditionally!  We are all masters of our own lives. We should all respect eachothers cultures, beliefs and emotions. We are one. One drummer and to me, that is what it is about. The sooner we make other people the primary focus of our lives, everything falls into place. As soon as we shut out the outer noise and make our own noise, life begins! Don't listen to outer voices, make your rhythm known and believe in who you are as a person. I don't worship my drum but I do worship my maker and in that, I worship how He sees people and life. I don't see the world through my eyes but I am open to the plans that this universe has for me. I know without a doubt in my heart that me falling in love with djembe drumming was not a random accident, it is my instrument. My love for music isn't random, it is my soul that yearns for it and I know that in music is life!

Deep hey.. lol.. I don't like to even talk about my feelings but it is my truth. Vulnerability is inevitable when you are truthful and it's okay! I still have much to learn but I am absorbing life and embracing everything that is in it! We are all djembefolas, if we allow it! Now I know, I am the voice that can make a change in this world! It is my responsibility to be the change! Now wonder my rhythm has improved so much! I am aware :)

I decreased some of my work load again so rededicate myself to my family and friends. I trust! That is something that I have never been able to really do, thanks to meditation through rhythm I can really see the issues holding me back from real life. I won't be remembered for my corporate life but I will be remembered for my love! I'd rather love than store riches! I am thankful and grateful for everything in my life right now! I don't care what people think, I find that awesome! Bring on the rhythm!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

no drumming in a looong time

It has been a while since I drummed, 4 whole weeks. I really miss it and can feel the impact of not drumming. However in the break from it where I my stress levels built up to an extreme level, I had to re look and re-evaluate some of my life and simplify things. So in the end, it was almost as if i needed to break free from some issues in my life.

Life is about balance and if you are out of balance it will show!

I am really hoping that it doesn't rain this Saturday! Last week I missed drumming because my car boot broke. We had driven all the way to town and as we got to town my boot broke. To think how much I have actually learned in terms of rhythm. My husband who has two left feet all of a sudden has rhythm. The health benefits are amazing. Just googling the benefits of drumming has me amazed. I can see why my emotions have built up so much without the drumming. I will go drumming this Saturday, let there be sunshine on that day!

If you have any questions about drumming, then please feel free to ask or email. Ala has a facebook page and he is on facebook. Look for Abdul Ala and you will find him.